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Writing Good Suggestions

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#1 R.E.M.



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Posted 21 March 2014 - 06:58 PM

Writing a well written suggestion is very important; a well written suggestion is much more likely to be accepted than a badly written one and ideas that are clearly laid out and thought through are also likely to be implemented faster too. Here are some ways to make sure the suggestion you post is a good one!


Make sure your suggestion hasn’t already been posted.

Far too often people don’t check the list of suggestions to see if their idea has been suggested already. If your idea has been suggested and there is already a thread then it won’t be approved by the admins!


Make a short, descriptive title

You don’t need to include all of the details of your idea in the title. Just make sure your title gives us a basic idea of what you are suggesting.


Write your post in good English

The staff members at TF2Center understand that English is not everyone’s first language. We don’t expect perfect grammar or spelling but if we cannot understand you then we can’t implement your ideas!


One idea per thread only

This makes it much easier for people to discuss the ideas you have in the thread which greatly increases the chance of your ideas being accepted. It also makes it easier for people with the same idea to see that you beat them to it.


Give us as much detail as possible

The more well thought through an idea is, the easier for the developers to see how good it might be to implement it.


Sell your idea

You might think your idea is good but you need to convince everyone else too! Tell us why you think your idea is awesome. If it's worked elsewhere; tell us! If you've drawn diagrams/plans/designs or come up with formulas then include them! Give us every reason to think your idea is great but be prepared to defend your idea when other people comment on it.


Keep a cool head and obey the forum rules

This might sound obvious to some but one of the worst suggestions we've ever seen was from somebody who literally ranted about people leaving his lobbies and was using profanitys and homophobic language in his suggestion post. Not only will this lead to us rejecting your suggestion but it'll most likely get you warned or even banned.

  • seexemima, MichaelNept and AmantopaWam like this
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