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No spectators/option to kick spectators

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#1 JNeb900


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Posted 21 September 2014 - 12:02 AM

Hey there.


First, tell me if you see anything wrong with the attached file




Yes, there were FIFTY EIGHT spectators! That's beyond ridiculous! Likely almost all of them were just waiting for spy or sniper slots to open up.

Do the math, and had they all gone into separate lobbies, they could have completely filled three highlander lobbies!


Please, Im tired of waiting on lobbies because none of the 20+ specs don't want to fill the last heavy slot because they're sniper mains. So I propose that if theres a high number of specs (like more then 10) then:

1: the website will kick/ban them all from the lobby,

or 2: each spec is assigned a class to play in the lobby. If they do not play this class and quit, then they have a short (15 min) ban from joining other lobbies


Hopefully this can get approved and more games can be played

#2 TheMattgician


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Posted 21 September 2014 - 05:35 AM

Already Declined:





Improving the spec list however will be looked into.


The spectator presence means nothing in terms of lobby starting. They aren't taking space, they don't repel potential players. The list isn't an active one either. It shows the profiles of players who have opened the page, regardless of them still having it closed already or not.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Declined