TF2Center Profile: https://forums.tf2ce...97-squidnugget/SquidNugget
Region: NA
Browser: Mozilla Firefox
OS: Windows
Help Type: Mumble
Lobby ID: n/a
I go to the page where you verify Mumble and I hit the "Join Mumble" button, then, I wait a couple minutes. Afterwards I hit the "Verify Me!" button. I always get the same error: "Verification was unsuccessful. Try again or check our forums." I have tried this multiple times, I even tried restarting my computer. I have tried Mozilla Firefox and Opera web browsers but to no avail. If anybody has any type of information that would assist me, I would be glad to know it.
EDIT: This topic should be closed. A bit of help from a community member solved my issue. This post in no longer relevant.
Edited by SquidNugget, 25 May 2017 - 03:31 AM.