We've made a pretty comprehensive change to TF2Center in response to hackers and spammers who created new accounts to hack, cheat, and generally cause trouble to an otherwise fantastic and friendly community.
As a result, we've decided to enforce a 300 hour minimum for players to login to the site. This makes things a lot harder for griefers to simply create new accounts while we run around chasing Steam ID and IP bans, and allows us to focus on developing the community, implementing new features and making TF2Center a better place.
This effectively requires potential griefers to invest 12 days worth of idling, while in comparison we can ban an account in 5 seconds. This tips the scales in our favour when dealing with them, and reduces our workload.
However, some players with private Steam Community accounts may find they are impacted. This is because our hours count relies on reading their public profile to obtain the hours of TF2 played. As a result, you may find that when you login, you are required to verify the account by temporarily making the profile public. You may turn your profile back to private as soon as this is complete.
If you are unwilling to make your profile public for whatever reason, then please contact us and we will do our best to assist.
This was not a decision taken lightly, and we did our best to ensure we researched the situation and made sure that this was the right route to go down. In terms of statistics, we ran the numbers in the database and found that only ~150 users would fall under the new limit, of which the majority were alt accounts, and close to the 300 hour threshold anyway.
We will continue to keep an eye on this limit, and may be lowering it in the future if we find too many new players are impacted. Of course, we welcome your feedback on the issue, so feel free to post in public on the forum, or if you prefer, via a PM on the forum.