Unban Requests
- Please follow the appropriate form located here.
- In case if you feel yourself not guilty provide as much evidences as possible.
- Provide a reasonable explanation for unban.
- Write your post in fluent English.
- Keep cool and follow the rules.
- Once your unban form has been submitted, it will need to be approved before it will then be posted in the Unbans subforum.
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Read before making a COOLDOWN Unban RequestStarted by Warpy , 23 Jul 2016 Unbanned, Rejected |
tristate #TF2Center [ https://tf2center.com/profile/76561198096097448 ]Started by disco boy , 01 Feb 2023 |
walt [ 76561198871381636 ]Started by twiikuu , 21 Jan 2023 |
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