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Reputation Names / Titles / Ranks / Privileges

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Poll: Ranks / Titles / Reputation (4 member(s) have cast votes)

Should there be an option to donate with these privileges?

  1. Yes, they should create this option (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. No, it wouldn't work (4 votes [100.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 100.00%

Should there be titles and ranks?

  1. Yes, I think it's a great idea (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. No, it would be pointless (3 votes [75.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 75.00%

  3. Yes, but it should only be on the profile not in the lobby (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

Should there be different colours as your rank goes up?

  1. Yes, it would make you stand out (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  2. No, this wouldn't work (3 votes [75.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 75.00%

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#1 nightblade



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Posted 01 May 2014 - 06:31 AM

Not sure if done already :/ Just gonna say it anyway.


I see on the TF2 Center Forums Member Title. We should really have them on TF2 Center, like strange weapons your rank will go up and your member title will change. 


Maybe, instead of showing your hours in lobbies, it should be replaced by the reputation title, and if you wanted to view the hours, you can click on the player's profile (Not sure, maybe it could work).


Another thing that should be optional, is name colours, as your rank goes up, the colour of your name will change, for example; light grey, grey, dark grey, black, dark blue, blue etc.


Another thing could be the option to donate (and I know this has been suggested heaps), if the option to donate comes along, it should come with privileges, such as TF2 Outpost. The option to have an emoticon next to your name, the option to remove ads (if ads do pop up as the site grows), and (if this requests comes to be, I may be hated for this) the option to get notifications / sounds that your filtered lobby has been created.


Possible names:


  • 0 Lobbies: New
  • 5 Lobbies: Rookie
  • 15 Lobbies: Average
  • 30 Lobbies: Intelligent
  • 50 Lobbies: Specialist
  • 75 Lobbies: Well-Known
  • 100 Lobbies: Veteran
  • 200 Lobbies: Standout 
  • 300 Lobbies: Team-Carry

Those are just some little ideas. Now the reason this should be added to TF2 Center, is because the player needs to feel more sense of achievement, the number of lobbies is a start, but if the players feel like they're contributing and taking part in the TF2 Center community. Well yeah....


*Note: If this has already been made and I do not know about it, I sincerely apoligise to the original suggester of this request. Feel free to use any ideas if necessary, or if this suggestion doesn't come to be. 

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