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PHD/Trick3y [STEAM_0:1:47315382]

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#1 PHD



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Posted 08 July 2015 - 09:04 PM

Steam Name: PHD/Trick3y
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47315382

I appologized to everyone that this happened to I guess it was a glitch or something, seriously. I had a lobby up for a while and I was playing other lobbies while waiting for it to fill, I usually hear an are you ready sound telling me it is ready etc. This time I did not hear one. Anyways, I go to setup another lobby because I come back and mine has been gone for some time now, I open up the create a lobby screen and make a new lobby, to my surprise it kicked everyone from the server and made a new lobby, I seriously did not know that it would do that and I was not trying to ruin anyones time. I hosted about 10 more lobbies that day all went well and we had fun. I have provided some of the chat that occured right after the fact to show you how mean these people can be even after I sincerely appologize, they just keep the troll going trying to get as many people against me as they can. I know one thing for sure warpy, and emily WILL NEVER play in any of my lobbies again, I will kick them as soon as they join a slot, every single time without a second thought. WArpy is a huge asshole and a lot of people know, and emily...well I feel like even talking about her might summon her from the depths to destroy whats left of the earth, so I will not say anything about her.

there is one guy that comes to my defense..the little oasis in the desert of trolls and assholes. All the people on my friends list are afraid to speak out against warpy and emily or just don't want to get involved with the drama. I have had a talk with luop and he told me to avoid them at all costs and I am trying now to do that.

17:47:39 PHD LFT steel spy: sup silvver
17:47:58 Johnmario2 #HunterofBronies: steel, nice kicks bro
17:48:04 Dave LFP Silver demo: wew boy phd
17:48:06 Silvver ?: ey
17:48:08 connex.: fockin ayy m8
17:48:09 Dave LFP Silver demo: fun lobby we just had
17:48:11 crackatopia: phd pls
17:48:15 crackatopia: gg wp
17:48:20 Dave LFP Silver demo: that you closed :^^^^^^^^^^)
17:48:27 PHD LFT steel sniper: huh?
17:48:33 curtis_epiks: Nice job PHD
17:48:33 Johnmario2 #HunterofBronies: enjoy the reports boy
17:48:36 CFG | KatenGaas: thanks phd
17:48:37 PHD LFT steel sniper: I didn't close any lobbies
17:48:43 Dave LFP Silver demo: :^^^^^^^^)
17:48:44 Bae Cyber Bullies Me #Cut4Bae: phd lelel
17:48:46 curtis_epiks: Well we were in an upward lobby
17:48:51 curtis_epiks: and it fucking ended
17:48:52 PHD LFT steel sniper: oh shit, it must be a bug
17:48:53 Dave LFP Silver demo: :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
17:48:56 SpeedyRZA | trade.tf: a bug
17:48:57 dj lft?: a bug?
17:48:58 dj lft?: lol
17:48:59 SpeedyRZA | trade.tf: you fucker
17:49:00 Dave LFP Silver demo: it was your server nerd
17:49:02 Bae Cyber Bullies Me #Cut4Bae: :^) lel
17:49:02 curtis_epiks: a fucking bug?
17:49:04 PHD LFT steel sniper: it usually wont let you set up another lobby if one is in session, I didn't know
17:49:05 Johnmario2 #HunterofBronies: enjoy the repooooorts
17:49:09 TF2Center: Lobby #461323: Server password has changed; leader has been notified to take immediate action
17:49:13 Dave LFP Silver demo: :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
17:49:18 ? ka l a ?: fuck yer phd
17:49:26 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: lel
17:49:30 Dave LFP Silver demo: he has a PHD in tf2
17:49:40 ? ka l a ?: phd up my ass
17:49:44 PHD LFT steel sniper: i honestly didn't know, sorry tho guys
17:49:52 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: if it gonna close close it sooner
17:50:03 ? ka l a ?: i signed up for pl not koth
17:50:05 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: cuz i can put one up
17:50:19 TF2Center: Lobby #461323 is back to normal again...

17:51:39 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: this guy https://tf2center.co...561198054896493only doing troll lobies and kicking everyone e-e can an admin check this issue?
17:51:46 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: 18:50:13 The Yellow Cat: this guy https://tf2center.co...561198054896493only doing troll lobies and kicking everyone e-e can an admin check this issue?
17:51:55 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: 18:50:50 [Sprok] Emily: report him on the forums hes pitching a fit 18:50:54 [Sprok] Emily: he's crazy
17:52:00 [Sprok] Emily: penguins report him on the forums
17:52:06 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: why?
17:52:18 PHD LFT steel sniper: wtf guys lol really? I didn't know there was a game going and it would close it
17:52:19 crackatopia: really? one bad lobby? don't rep him
17:52:20 [Sprok] Emily: because he's abusing his kick rights?
17:52:27 crackatopia: he doesn't deserve it
17:52:28 PHD LFT steel sniper: I was in a viaduct lobby playing and I guess it launched
17:52:29 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: idk
17:52:39 PHD LFT steel sniper: I didn't kick anyone
17:52:41 [Sprok] Emily: did you close the lobby before it was over?
17:52:49 PHD LFT steel sniper: it autokicked i guess when i tried to set this one up
17:52:50 Warpy: closed it and kicked out everyone
17:52:51 Johnmario2 #HunterofBronies: i summon thee, adminnnnn
17:52:53 crackatopia: how'd i lose my spy spot wtf
17:53:01 [Sprok] Emily: people get lobby create bans for that
17:53:03 crackatopia: john can i please have that spot back >:

(this is where warpy kicked cractopia out of his he just made as well as a few others, he will make people wait however long and then kick you for someone else to take your spot, he does it all the time. And then he comes here and reports me for an accidental lobby close, he would wouldn't he...)

17:53:07 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: how did i lose my engie spoty
17:53:08 Johnmario2 #HunterofBronies: uh no?
17:53:09 Warpy: trick3y/phd did a 3/10 troll
17:53:12 Johnmario2 #HunterofBronies: this was my spot
17:53:12 [Sprok] Emily: ^
17:53:13 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: warpy why u hate me
17:53:14 crackatopia: >:
17:53:16 PHD LFT steel sniper: i wasn't aware there was a game in session and if there was I didn't think it would let me set up a game if the server was in use.
17:53:23 crackatopia: i was in it accidentally left i guess
17:53:23 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: dave stole my engi spot
17:53:24 PHD LFT steel sniper: it wasn't a troll
17:53:24 Johnmario2 #HunterofBronies: sorry, this was open for a while
17:53:28 [Sprok] Emily: were you hosting the other server?
17:53:28 crackatopia: well, have fun dude
17:53:30 Warpy: left the lobby spot locked too
17:53:32 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: snipar
17:53:34 Warpy: hahah
17:53:36 PHD LFT steel sniper: know you guys are mad but im sorry i didnt do it on purpose
17:53:40 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: warpy why u hate me
17:53:43 accele?ator: ?
17:53:48 Bae Cyber Bullies Me #Cut4Bae: becuz ur nub
17:53:52 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: :(
17:54:11 PHD LFT steel sniper: now warpy, please get out of my lobby
17:54:14 HPenguin Engineer #TF:GO: idk bout playing engi against accelerator
17:54:15 TF2Center: Lobby almost ready
17:54:22 Silvver ?: lol i got kicked
17:54:23 PHD LFT steel sniper: nd take emily with you
17:54:25 Silvver ?: ty
17:54:26 ? ka l a ?: wooow

#2 Showerfairy


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Posted 09 July 2015 - 03:26 PM


i also banned your 2 other alts.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Rejected