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Show the number of players in lobby on browser's tab

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#1 YungDesk



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  • LocationHuntington, WV

Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:41 PM

I think it would be cool if on the tap in chrome/firefox/IE/whatever where it says the lobby number it included a "(0/18)" for Highlander or a "(0/12)" for 6s. This would be so you could switch to another tab and see the progress of your lobby filling up from another tab.




"Oh, just 4 more people and we can play!"


Also, if you had a tab open on the lobbies page it would have a number on the tab that indicated how many lobbies were open at that time.

Edited by Mother Tereza, 24 June 2015 - 12:38 AM.
Renamed; Original Title: "Player Numbers/Lobby Numbers"

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