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Butt & Bum [STEAM_0:0:79722491]

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#1 Hot 'n' Spicy Tacos

Hot 'n' Spicy Tacos


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Posted 17 June 2015 - 10:41 PM

Steam Name: Butt & Bum
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79722491

Hello sorry to bother you today. I started doing tf2center today and everything is a bit new to me. After playing my 4th match I was accused of not joining mumble. I thought I joined it pregame because it looked like everything was right. I joined the correct lobby but I was a bit confused on why no one was there. I thought it was fine because in my first mumble game it was. Note: I have never used mumble before today so I was a bit confused. I probally should have learned about it first before going straight in to comp. So I went to my next match to find I couldn't join because of mumble ban. I still don't quite understand if I report it here but yeah. Before my next mumble game I promise to learn more about it. If you can unban me I thank you. Have a good day!!

-Butt & Bum

#2 Showerfairy


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 09:16 AM

Mumble bans are automatic and its a system that detects if your in or not.

You are not banned from joining mumble req lobbies, but its a cool down period of some hours.


2015-06-17 22:53:32 your ban expired.

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