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Nitpicking the grammar of the Rules

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#1 Pants



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Posted 16 August 2014 - 06:59 PM

This is offered in the spirit of a friendly drive-by grammar nazi offering some proofreading.



" In addition to these rules, we ask that you are complicit with TF2Center administrators and their requests." -- replace "are complicit with" with "comply with" or "respect" or "cooperate with". Complicity means "doing something illegal."  :)



But the bigger deal for me is that most of the rest of the rules are just a list of "bad things" --  nowhere does it actually say whether they're allowed or prohibited! Under the section headings for sections 1 through 5, there should be something added like: 


"The following are prohibited on TF2Center:"


Alternatively, each of the prohibited things would need to be rewritten to include "... are not allowed" in the appropriate places.



Section 6 obviously does not need this, since its items stand alone.




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