Region: NA
Browser: Google Chrome
Critical plugins: * Adblock Plus
OS: Windows
Connection type: * WiFi
Bug type: Mumble
Lobby ID: --
Date & Time: October 22 2020, two lobbies from 9-11PM
Not sure if lobby or mumble glitch, but I've got two mumbility from lobbies despite being in the mumble for both of them. On the lobby page it says I am not in the call despite clearly being in it, screencap related:
TF2Center Lobby #1176554
TF2Center Lobby #1176541
I've realised that the last two digits of my IP address sometimes change because I use university campus wi-fi to play. Is there anything I can do to not have my mumbility go up in this case? If not, will there ever be a fix for this? If not to both, am I just not allowed to play TF2C anymore, even though I was in mumble the entire time?
Edited by TUWAN, 23 October 2021 - 03:07 AM.