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Stephen [ https://tf2center.com/profile/76561198149087297 ]

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#1 Stephen



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Posted 28 April 2020 - 02:29 AM

Steam Name: Stephen
Steam ID: https://tf2center.co...561198149087297

Dear tf2Center Moderators,

I am truly sorry for the trouble I have caused you and the other players that have encountered me in lobbies. Looking back
on the comments I made I feel truly remorseful and honestly embarrassed. In all honesty I'm not dealing too well with the
quarantine we're all being forced to go through at the moment. I live with a family of 5 and so I get little attention from
my parents and as such tf2 is one of my best and only outlets. The hurtful comments I made were a means of venting my pent-up
feelings of frustration and angst onto others. In hindsight, I realise that this is a sickeningly toxic mentality and from this
point forward I am going to my best to change it by encouraging positivity in myself and others in the online world, to avoid this cycle of negativity. Needless to say like the rest of the community I am genuinely saddened by the passing of our beloved soldier Rick May and my condolences go to his family who do not deserve this loss. Coronavirus lock-down measures suck but that is no excuse for behaving like a spoiled child. I hope that you can forgive my outlandish behaviour and allow me to continue playing amongst your wonderful community. I promise to leave my toxicity elsewhere and not take it out on tf2center's membership.

Yours kindly,
Stephen (formerly 'Rekt Idiot Noob')

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#2 TheMasterOfDisaster



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Posted 01 May 2020 - 08:14 PM

For this time we will keep it on a 1 week ban after that your account will be enabled again, keep in mind if you do it again it will be an instant perma ban.