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Nox Bee [STEAM_0:1:67241193]

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#1 Blincwr



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Posted 26 November 2017 - 08:44 PM

Steam Name: Nox Bee
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67241193

I keep getting mumble bans even though I am in mumble. Warpy explained that my IP for mumble and chrome had to be the same, I both do not know how to achieve this as my internet set up is, interesting to say the least, and probably will not be able to do it if I knew how due to previously said internet situation. I always join mumble even when it's not required because I want to, meanwhile people go in mumble with no mic or mute and deafen themselves and get no ban at all. I assume I can not get a permanent unban but there must be a way around this from tf2center's side.

This is not so much an unban request as a request to stop getting bans over and over when I was clearly in mumble every single time.

#2 nrd.


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Posted 29 November 2017 - 10:57 PM


It's been fun, thanks for the ride.

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