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DocFlame_ [STEAM_0:1:70356502]

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#1 DocFlame


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 05:43 PM

Steam Name: DocFlame_
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70356502

The arguee of us report abusing isnt trolling. A group of us played sevral classes and asked for multiple heals from out med. He did not heal us at all and just ignored (Please view demo). This is my first time getting reported for this, and hopefully, you will see my loss here too.


Demo: Tick 38000 - 40000

I am deeply sorry for the medic's experience in that game, and will never do anything like this again.

Regarding the second medic - he played with quick fix from the beginning, even after we asked him to switch off.

Thank you and have a great week,


#2 Alison



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Posted 15 November 2017 - 03:56 PM

Steam Name: AlisonBurgers
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70440770

First, I am really sorry about that.

I can explain everything:
The first medic, wasn't healing our teamates, and didnt listen to us. We called for him alot of times. But he just walked away
and didn't heal me and the other players.

The second medic trolled us. We told him stop using the quick fix becuase we were lossing. He didnt listen and kept using it.

In both situation we had to report them for trolling us and the team.

I am playing TF2C everyday with friends. TF2C is the only reason I am still playing tf2. This is the only place I can get better. Without it I really don't have a reason to keep playing TF2.

I wish I had proof to send you but I dont have. Have a good day and I hope you will understand me.

#3 DocFlame


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Posted 17 November 2017 - 03:20 PM

Steam Name: DocFlame_
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70356502

The accusing case consists of two medics.

For both of the cases, me and my friends are deeply sorry for the bad experience our game had caused you.

The first medic - inari:

For the entire period of time this medic had played, this medic almost did not heal at all any of my friends, including me. Ignoring us as he walks forward (Demo attached - please view tick 38000-40000. Logs can show this too: http://logs.tf/18800...1198100978733.)and therefor our !rep request is not a troll or an abuse of the !rep command, but is a complaint about the accused medic, for not healing his teammates. (Note, that the player healed every other player a good amount of heals - besides us.

For the second medic. From the beginning, this medic played with the quick fix, although we asked him nicely to switch off, and play seriously. Same here, the !rep command is not an abuse, but to use it's function, of reporting trolling players.

In addition to that, for each and every one of us, this is the first time getting reported for a troll.

We are all deeply sorry for the players in-happy experience, and regard that we will never troll again.

We hope you will see our side of the issue, and view our point of view in this story.


#4 nrd.


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Posted 23 November 2017 - 10:39 PM

Unbanned. Hope you've learnt your lessons.

It's been fun, thanks for the ride.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Unbanned