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Limit Spectator slots

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#1 Imperatordavius



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Posted 19 May 2014 - 07:20 PM

I know this may seem like a bad idea, but I really feel there should be a limit to how many people are allowed to wait in spectate. Honestly do we need to have 32 people in spectate for a highlander game, while a heavy, Medic, Engineer, and soldier on both sides are waiting to be filled?


I'm sure they can play a spot BESIDES sniper or spy.


It seems to me that 95% of these spectators are waiting for either the Sniper or Spy spots to open up. And i know i'm not the only one who has been in this scenario. We've all seen that bum rush to see the sniper/spy slots filled almost first, while the Medic and Engineer being the last most of the time. I'm a Medic player, i never play soldier or demo and i stay well away from sniper and spy, because 1) i'm never ganna be good at those classes, it's not my play style. and 2) because those will always fill up first.


I feel there should be a limit of spectators allowed to be waiting, at least 5 is my suggestion, no more or less. Or a time limit on how long a person can be spectating.


That's my 2 cents, give your thoughts if you wish.

#2 Mother Tereza

Mother Tereza


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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:54 AM

The unlimited number of spectators follows from idea to make every lobby is opened for all and to prevent stopping of lobby filling process due of occasional people (like it was on good ol tf2lobby). Spectators do not interfere on lobby filling speed, they are the same people who is sitting on a main page besides that you can see their names. The idea of spectators have nothing to do with different popularity of various classes, therefore reducing the number of spectators we won't increase the popularity of medics. Just relax and do not pay attention on them.

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