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фюзек1500 [ https://tf2center.com/profile/76561198162604771 ]

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#1 Kurpitsapuu



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Posted 25 July 2020 - 01:19 AM

Steam Name: фюзек1500
Steam ID: https://tf2center.co...561198162604771
Lobby ID: #1094428
Keep Private?: No


tick 18 000

Was playing just another chill lobby with my friend having some fun, exaggerating my playing for comedic effect. Enemy demo doesn't take this well and starts to get mad about me trying to jokingly come off as the most insane player to ever walk this earth. We then go back and forth trying to get the other party saltier as you would whenever you are confronted about your ability to play games online. At some point I'm walking out of spawn and suddenly my game freezes and I thought it crashed. Then instead of getting dropped to desktop I get greeted with the "disconnected due to kick" message and tell this to my friend, who tells me that I got rcon kicked by the enemy demo. The first thing I try to do after is rejoin the lobby but apparently I get autobanned for 30 minutes for "leaving". Then I just sit around in the main menu listening to him explain what is going on in the lobby etc, and talking about how I assume this sort of behavior is probably against some rule on tf2center. I then spend a little while trying to figure out how to report it and now I'm here.

#2 TheMasterOfDisaster



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Posted 25 July 2020 - 10:14 AM

Rcon abuse 1 week CL ban