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t. [ https://tf2center.com/profile/76561198152988012 ]

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#1 reck



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Posted 04 July 2020 - 09:27 PM

Steam Name: t.
Steam ID: https://tf2center.co...561198152988012
Lobby ID: 1088869
Keep Private?: Yes

t. abused their lobby leader power to kick me after I took a spot when blue scout 2 did not ready up. t. then took my spot after he kicked me. Below are the complete chat logs of the lobby page chat where t. admits to doing this.

  • 15:52:46 TF2Center: Lobby open; leader: t.
  • 15:53:21 TF2Center: RED Scout is now unlocked
  • 16:02:46 TF2Center: All slots are now unlocked
  • 16:14:57 He: cant i b[lease be mu y me dic i am swashed up u gn c dameoman
  • 16:15:45 reloaded: did u know tf2c (team fortress 2 lassic) is releaed
  • 16:16:13 reloaded: played it back in 2015
  • 16:16:33 nrodd lft: what in the heart stroke is going on in this chat
  • 16:16:54 rigby: sometimes there is always that one thing where you always manage to think about that time that everything was in a place where it seemed like the original idea was in fact just similar to the way that the time you were thinking about that person who always thinks too much about how that one thing was always there the whole time waiting for you to discover it spontaneously.
  • 16:17:25 nrodd lft: yeah thats pretty true
  • 16:19:34 Trollface1598: haha
  • 16:19:45 TF2Center: Lobby almost ready
  • 16:19:58 t.: would kick ut dats toxiccccc
  • 16:20:10 reloaded: mumble = porveryble
  • 16:20:25 t.: if u take lue scout im kickin u sorry
  • 16:20:30 TF2Center: Lobby almost ready
  • 16:20:32 TF2Center: reck was kicked by t.
  • 16:20:33 TF2Center: Lobby launched
  • 16:20:37 reloaded: glaistig got rekt
  • 16:20:38 He: LOL
  • 16:24:19 TF2Center: Match started