TF2Center is a free service, offered so that users like yourselves can enjoy playing semi-competitive games in a friendly environment. Players are expected to be respectful towards other users and staff, and any attempts to deliberately disrupt or ruin the gaming experience of others is not welcome. Players are also expected to follow any specific lobby rules in place, such as joining mumble in mumble-required games.
While this is an adult and competitive environment, and a certain amount of swearing and "trash talk" is expected, persistent or excessive abuse or discrimination is strictly not tolerated.
Leading a lobby by providing a server is a privilege that we appreciate, but this does not give you the right to abuse the powers that come with this. Please be mindful that players invest time when waiting to participate in a game, and do not take it kindly when this time is wasted.
Players are encouraged to follow the spirit of these rules and do what you can to ensure that all players have an enjoyable time. Players seen to be going against these rules can be reported on our forums, and each incident will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Similarly, appeals against bans can be made on the forums. In the interest of fairness we try to ensure a different staff member handles a ban request and an appeal request but this may not always be the case. Attempts to discuss ban or appeal requests directly with any staff member may be ignored. Attempts to argue bans in main chat will be dealt with harshly.
Edited by ninjaMooCow, 02 August 2015 - 03:28 PM.
Updated to new version